More than just crystals;

Here you can shop our collections of all types of crystals, as well as home ritual bath blends and smoke cleanses.

While you are at it why not explore some of our merchandise as well? Here at Daisy Chain Courtyard, we are sure there is something for everyone.

Sourcing our crystals

We care about where we source our crystals from, and the effect that our purchases have on the economy. We have a few wholesale suppliers within Australia that sell crystals on behalf of miners across the world. Our current supplier is Located in Sydney, Australia. 

We pride ourselves on being as transparent as possible in our trading. If you have any questions about where our products are from or other related questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

Crystals are the new black.

Long gone are the days where spirituality has to be explored behind closed doors, people made to feel ashamed for believing there is something more in them then the same old 'rat race' of modern life.  


We are more than just our crystals, a lot of what we sell is handmade from our home. Each bath blend hand mixed on a weekend, our herb bundles collected in our garden and wrapped up at our dining room after our day job ends. We take pride in our products and our customer service.  When you buy from a small business, a real person is doing a happy dance. 

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