Meet the face behind the brand.

My name is Charlie-Jane Alchin, I am a small business owner in regional New South Wales, Australia. 

I have had an interest in crystals and ‘collecting’ since I was a child, always wanting to collect shiny garden rocks and fish tank pebbles or coins and stamps. 

I would now say; however, that this could have been considered hoarding rather than collecting as I never completed a set of anything!

My ‘collection’ of crystals grew but so did my interests. My interest in knowing the crystal past its pretty shine and looking deeper into the ethical practices and sustainability. 

I finally have a store front and can sell crystals and more both in store and online!  

Welcome to your safe haven!

Long gone are the days where spirituality has to be explored behind closed doors, people made to feel ashamed for believing there is something more in them then the same old 'rat race' of modern life.  

We are working towards having everything you will need for your exploration of spirit. 

Please bare with us as we grow our stock :)

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