Now I am pretty certain that you aren't going to say a spell and jump into a scene of Harry Potter; however, the movies aren't ENTIRELY wrong. While the great battle of Harry Potter and Voldemort would have looked a lot less colourful and *epic*, the purpose is the same.

If you're here then you are probably one of two people; here to gain knowledge and maybe find some new methods or here because you think crystals are absolute bullshit and that cleansing is the least important thing on the planet for 'pretty rocks'. Either way, I'm happy to have you hear reading my sides of the debate.

Today I would like to talk through seven of my favorite witches tools and their uses in magic. In an attempt to keep this short an sweet - let's jump into it. It is important to note that most of these tools and any other are usually not needed for you to practice, if you are a beginner witch I...

Often beginner witches are bombarded with information and since witchcraft as a whole is full of many different individuals who hold many different belief's, they can be pulled in every direction all at once. This can be confusing and overwhelming! So if that's you, know that you're not alone. I consider myself a fairly new witch and WAIT before...

If you rely heavily on your crystals, whether it be for spells, creating spaces, clearing/shifting or encouraging energies like I do, then this is for you. Here today we will be looking at some options for cleansing your stones of all you put them through. Wondering why this is important? Check out this post first;
Regularly cleansing and...

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