What To Put In Your Grimoire?


Often beginner witches are bombarded with information and since witchcraft as a whole is full of many different individuals who hold many different belief's, they can be pulled in every direction all at once. This can be confusing and overwhelming! So if that's you, know that you're not alone. I consider myself a fairly new witch and WAIT before you go, yes please cross reference in other places (no matter who gives you your information) but I am making these posts based on what I learn as I learn it, so, if you are new also - it may be nice to see someone talking about lessons as they learn them and not pretend to have all of the answers.

Firstly; don't rush it. I found that the grimoire (also known by some as a book of shadows) would fill up automatically if you record your progress as a witch daily [or whenever you feel like it]. So don't worry too much or feel overwhelmed by putting the information in, write it in as you practice and work with it so that you can add your own findings as well. I would like to point out that a digital grimoire is absolutely fine and completely valid! For me personally, there is something that connects me to a hand written grimoire and I find it helps me connect to the information more. Plus the added benefit of not allowing my technology illiterate self  to wipe all of the information from my device. So the first thing you need to do is decide what method you prefer.

In older times witches and practitioners burned their grimoire to avoid getting recognized as such. Of course nowadays a lot of witches will give their grimoire to their children or people they consider worthy of their knowledge. So you my have a family line of information passed down to you and if so, consider me jealous. 

Either way, do your own research and form your own beliefs.

So, where should you start with yours?

Your grimoire should be personal to you, so whatever you want to put in, you should. Some people have 'you' pages with their inspirations and what makes them 'them', as well as their wishes and fears. Then comes dedications to deities and gods of their choosing and their religion. I do not have pages like these myself as I am not religious nor do I currently worship any deities, as well as I have separate books for different categories; journals and updates, herbology and green witchery, recipes and kitchen witchery, spell book, 'grimoire' et cetera. If you chose to have yours combined that is a-ok. What I liked to include at the start was; Sabbath information, time of day, day of the week, the purpose of salt, the elements, astrology and zodiac information. Also a tip from most is to always leave some blank pages in between, where you can add in information later as you learn more. (I frequently make this mistake).

Bellow I have listed some topics about what you could include into your Grimoire. If you need a kick start and aren't sure what you want to 'do', feel free to browse through and write down what seems interesting or what feels right to you. 

General Things to include in your Grimoire are: Drawings and Sketches, Correspondences, Poetry, Pressed Leaves and Flowers (Herbarium), Recipes, Quotes, Dream Journal.

Other more specific things you could include in your Grimoire: Wheel of the Year; Sabbaths and Esbaths, Cycle of Life and Death, Months and Seasons, Times of the Day, Planetary Hours, Days of the Week.

I have my sigils throughout mine and pages of symbols that that show up within witches workings. I find having information on things like magical Tools [cauldron, broom] is good to refer back to for when you are ready to start using them. Remember that whatever you decide to put in - make it your own.

As I've said before; Be witchy, not bitchy.

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