Tarrot vs Oracle vs Lenormand


You may have heard of these different card deck types but what is the difference between them?

This is quite a common question as upon first glance they can all seem exactly the same; however, there are some key differences, not only in look but in the messages you will receive. 

To look at these a little further in depth, lets jump into it (no order of preference of course).


These mystical cards are well known these days but the name is often thrown around for all types of spiritual and divination cards. In actual fact Tarot is only one type of cards you can get. The key elements to look for in deciphering, is all in the cards!

There are 78 cards in a standard Tarot deck made up of 22 Major arcana and 56 Minor arcana.

The Major arcana is what most think of when they hear tarot; Tower, Devil, Empress, Fool et cetera. These cards come with their symbolism as well as associated astrological, elemental and planetary correlations. 

The Minor Arcana is made up of suits - much like a card deck you would use for go fish or snap... or poker, I suppose, if you aren't childish like me. These suits are Cups, Wands, Swords and Pentacles. Each going up from Ace to 10, then through; Paige, Knight, Queen and King. 

Another key factor about Tarot cards is that (for those like myself) reversals matter. If a card is flipped and is shown upside down then it may indicate something like a blockage for example. In the next two I will talk about, this is not as important.

If you are just starting out with Tarot, I would recommend the Rider Waite Tarot Deck.


Oracle cards are a tool of self-reflection to add into your practice, or just for fun. While you use the cards the same way as Tarot, these themed decks typically consist of 48 cards and all have different themes/cards (don't follow the major and minor arcana structure). These themed decks are rather easy to connect to, giving you quick insight into your life. 

I generally refer to Denis Linn's oracle deck; 'Native Spirit'. This was the first Oracle deck I had used and while I didn't personally connect to them, I did find it a good deck with an easy to understand guide. This deck follows a nature and spiritual theme (as the name implies) with card naming including; Ancient Forest, Circle of Life, and Ancestors. Mrs. Linn created these cards with the intent of connecting one to their higher self. 

"Ignite your native spirit within and enter a wondrous realm of profound visionary experiences".


A Lenormand deck consists of 36 cards and comes straight from the heart of Europe. I would liken it to that blunt and direct family member that visits on Christmas and comments on your, well, everything. While these cards do have planetary associations, the symbolism is not as profound or lawfully included as Tarot. 

These cards are more of a way to peer into ones self for answers, rather than call out for a guide. As such, I find that it is more reliant on you as the reader to be honest with yourself and your situations. For example, If you draw an anchor card, you may need to decide whether you are ready to settle down or if you are stuck. This is mostly due to the cards not having any reversals. For the most part, these cards will become clear when looking at the spread as a whole and focusing on the question asked.

If you are looking for a deck with a kick-ass art style, then I would point you to the 'Malefique' Lenormand Deck

I hope this post has helped you to differentiate between the three similar divination tools. I will go into these in more detail with their own posts in future.

And remember; 

Be witchy, not bitchy.

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