Why Should You Cleanse Your Crystals?


If you're here then you are probably one of two people; here to gain knowledge and maybe find some new methods or here because you think crystals are absolute bullshit and that cleansing is the least important thing on the planet for 'pretty rocks'. Either way, I'm happy to have you hear reading my sides of the debate.

The whole reason people use crystals in the first place is to cleanse and balance the energy in spaces, so it only makes sense that those energies of the stone would be drained or disrupted in some way over time. I personally believe that regularly cleansing and recharging of your stones is the only way to restore your crystal to its natural state.

Consider it an energy filter. If you dont clean out the filter of a vacume, it will begin to not perform as well as it did initially - crystals are the same! 

At every point of contact, a crystals natural energy will be disturbed; It will pick up other energies or use some of its own. When you first get your stones home, it is essential that you cleanse them. 

From their time in the mine, to being gathered, to the sourcers hands, to the wholesalers, to the retailers to you. These crystals have been on the adventure of a life time and if you expect them to help your depresso self maybe give them a chance by giving them a simple cleanse. 

As I have said before;
Be witchy, not bitchy.  

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